Σάββατο 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Greece - a wonderful country to live in

It is difficult to be in Greece these days.

It is even more difficult to travel abroad and to have to defend your country or face questions like "will Greece go out of the Eurozone" or even "will you be out of European Union".

It is quite difficult to be regarded as belonging to a lazy nation and be followed by negative stereotypes about productivity, even though you might be quite more productive of the European average.

Yet, despite all these and despite all the problems faced at home and abroad, Greece remains by far a wonderful country to live in. A country where you may still walk at night without the fear of been robbed. A country where you may still have a cup of coffee by the sea relaxing from a hard day of work. A country that offers a terrific landscape and a great cultural heritage, in fact so great that a lot of other people try today to steal part of this glorious past and claim that this is theirs.

This blog will try to focus on modern problems while also elaborating on the glorious past with a belief that the same nation that created sciences and philosophy in the ancient years, that created the first globalisation during the years of Alexander the Great and Hellenistic empire, that provided the philosophical background in christianity through Fathers and Doctors of Faith, that maintained the ancient spirit during byzantine era and manifested the greatest medieval civilization, that helped the creation of the Renaissance after the fall of Constantinople to the Turks, will inevtably regain its place in the modern world.

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